Living From Your Heart

This summer I have often enjoyed being at the river, wading in its shallow waters, looking for pretty rocks, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and feeling peaceful and happy.

Today, I found a rock shaped like a heart. Seeing the rock reminded me… read the rest of my post at Sophia’s site,  as I was hosted by talented Sophia Bar-Lev, author of Past, Poppy Fields and Pearls.

This is my first involvement with guest blogging and hosting others, and I am loving the experience. 


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Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda, writes books that are inspired by her Soul. She takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must have for your collection. To receive a free gift and to find out more about Helena and her books visit Helena’s website at Her author’s page is at

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