Living From Our Hearts

red rose 2This post has been featured at The Wellness Universe today. You can read it at Today’s Feature Post, and comment there or you can read and comment here, at my site. May you have a glorious day! Helena Kalivoda

Actions that stem purely from the mind are interpretations of reality that is qualified by our opinions. When we rely only on our intellectual impulses, our lives are not as unfurled as if we were first to consult with our hearts.

Living from Our Hearts Is the Most Important Calling of Our Lives

That which is off balance, either lacking or in excess, is the result of our suppressed hearts, our hearts not being a leading force. Bring your heart into all your actions. Put your heart first. Your heart will show you the way.

Examine recent events in your life and determine how much your heart participated. Was it engaged or not? Was it at the forefront or not? Answer honestly and you will discover the way onto the path of self-liberation and unravel the influences of excess or lack of any kind – self-esteem, money, relationships…

Can We Do It?

May we all be winners by consulting our hearts! May we be the ones to start with kindness to ourselves, spreading the kindness to our surroundings. Becoming like a feather, light, but strong to function; smooth, soft, and powerful.

Can we do it? We can, as that is our real nature. See for yourself. How does it feel to be kind? That warm feeling? Oh yes, it is such a warm feeling. All need kindness and love. All yearn for it. All crave it. All need that feeling of belonging. Feeling cocooned by love is the best feeling one can give to oneself.

How Can We Do It?

In all your thoughts and actions, lead with your heart. Your heart never fails you – it is a centre of your intuition, the connector to your Spirit. Your heart’s intelligence is primary. Use it in liaison with and supported by your power of reasoning and intellect.

In regards to your emotions, for instance anger, you can transform intense emotion, subsiding it to a small feeling of discomfort, by using the power of the heart. See for yourself by calming your anger about something that is unavailable to you – send love and kindness from your heart toward the originator of the event that you felt was sprung upon you. Feel your love growing. Once your love reaches the object of your anger, feel the event dissipating. Allow yourself to feel relief and then anger can never be your companion. Use a similar approach with other negative emotions.

Allow Yourself to Observe and Examine Your Feelings

Be aware of your feelings. Examine them for what they are. When you come from your heart, you will modify your feelings. Anger or another negative emotion, is your inability to deal with a presented situation. Your anger is no more than a little bandage for your aching and hurt ego.

So be wise and allow yourself to observe and examine what you feel. Once you understand, you can let go. By applying this approach, you will not be drawn into arguments and fights, verbal or physical. That is the power of love. That is the power of a serene, aware person.

You Have a Seed of All in You

You can be like that any time. You can be like that, as you already have a seed of all in you. Become the director of your emotions and feelings. Then, taking it further, you will change you, and will consciously become the one you have always been – a being of light, living on the planet Earth.


IMG_7722 fwitter (1)Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda, writes books that are inspired by her Soul. She takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must have for your collection. To  find out more about Helena and her books, and get your gift, visit Helena’s website at Her author’s page is at


  1. Loving the clarity of the post. Great post. Julia

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