If You Are Looking for an Explanation of Yourself, Go to the Source – to Yourself.
Do not be puzzled about your identity. The wisest advisor, guru, and the teacher is your inner self. It is the true you, the one who is dedicated to you, who is certain about his/her identity, who knows what he/she likes, who he/she is, and who knows the road he/she is on.
Know yourself. The time is here for you to decide where, how, and why you want to be that which you chose to be.
How Do You Know Yourself?
If you are uncertain what you like, you can begin with realizing what you do not like. That will help you determine what your passion is.
Start with accepting and appreciating who you are – your likes, talents, and qualities. Acceptance and appreciation open the way of you discovering more about yourself and blossoming in the direction of your choice.
Stay open to others’ points of view and ways, however, in all circumstances be true to yourself. When you keep your mind and heart open, your life will become straightforward, enjoyable, and pleasingly natural.
Notice how you feel about your existence, surroundings, and the company you keep. If you feel good about it all, know you are on the right path.
Keep centred, true to your core values, and remember, there is no finish line. Life is a continuous, evolutionary affair.
Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda, writes books that are inspired by her Soul. She takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom, and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must have for your collection. To find out more about Helena and her books, and get your gift, visit Helena’s website at http://www.awakenbyhelena.com. Her author’s page is at http://www.amazon.com/author/helena-kalivoda. Helena is the member of The Wellness Universe.