The Family Unit or The Family Unity

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I am asking myself how one does maintain an environment of a mutual understanding, and of respect and loving embrace?

I am asking that as right now in my family a situation has evolved – a situation that I believed was on the mend, however, it took on a new turn. As a parent, I want my children to be close to each other, but there are things that can come up in different ways that so easily separate brothers and sisters. [Read more…]

Female Energy – The Age of Woman

evolution cvr bk4 resOne recent morning I was reading God’s Dominion; A Sceptic’s Quest, by Ron Graham, an award-winning author and journalist while enjoying my coffee. The book is about a world of many different religions and their leaders and includes fascinating true stories. The author writes from his personal experiences as he travelled across Canada in his search for truthfulness in the various faiths practised within Canada`s borders. His book describes all facets of human nature, from comfort and trust to betrayal, pornography, child abuse, and spiritual teachers attracted to power and abusive behaviour.

As I was reading the part of the book about a Tibetan Buddhist faith teacher, it suddenly came to my mind that throughout the ages, none of the religions of the past or present accepted women as equals. Not that it is such a new thought, but at that moment I became fully aware of the fact that not even the most tolerant religions would allow women to participate in the ways that men have been allowed to participate. [Read more…]

You Are Special

ruzeYou Are Special –
 My quote and its expansion are featured by The Wellness Universe. Visit Today’s Feature to read the entire quote and comment at this site or at The Wellness Universe.

Thank you The Wellness Universe for hosting my quote.   [Read more…]

Your Heart vs. Your Mind

Wake Up! Your Heart is Calling.You Are Born with a Fully Open Heart

The heart acts as a connector between your physical and spiritual aspects. You are born with a fully open heart, but your heart may eventually close when it is challenged repeatedly. Your heart, as a pump, will still be well equipped to support the biological life of your body, but the heart that is your divine connection will wait, poised and eager, for you to understand that without a warm, kind and loving heart, you will not be able to fully function at your possible finest in this material world.  [Read more…]

Self-Care of Your Mind and Body

red rose 2I am continuing my blog tour… today, I am pleased to be a guest blogger at Mari Barnes’ site of Flying Turtle Publishing at Mari’s slogan is — Specializing in Books That Families Can Share.

Hop to Mari’s website and enjoy my post, including all that Mari has to offer.

IMG_7722 fwitter (1)Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda, writes books that are inspired by her Soul. She takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must have for your collection.
To receive a free gift and to find out more about Helena and her books visit Helena’s website at Her author’s page is at

What Is Happiness?

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I found a rock with a happy face on it. My friend, a geologist, said it should be in a museum. 

Today, as I begin to write this post, I look at my happy rock and feel happy.

But what is happiness? 

Happiness is when we feel light and not heavy. When our soul sings. When we feel thankful for simply being, for our family and friends, for whatever we have and are, thinking of all as precious.

When we are happy with what we have, we cannot be unhappy about that which others would see as missing. We do not see the missing pieces but see all as complete, as whole. [Read more…]

Reputation and Respect

Do Not Seek Reputation, Seek Respect.

In reputation, there is a polarity hidden. Those who seek reputation seek that which is the most acceptable to others. For some, reputation is largely about attaining the status in a society; they seek reputation at any price, which can eventually result in their, not the best, reputation.

In respect, there is no polarity. Respect has a positive interpretation. However, when respect is motivated by a fear, or feeling of duty, such motivation cannot be a true foundation of respect.

One earns respect because of one’s character, knowledge, qualities or abilities, by being considerate, kind and respectful. Respect can be afforded not only to a person, but to an inanimate object, to nature, to any that permeates through physical, mental, and spiritual levels, as well.

One conducts oneself as a respectful person due his ability to recognize the value of the mutual respect for each other. It is an ability of not judging but respecting others’ sacred space and time they have grown and lived in, their achievements, values, their excellence. Respect is about support, instead of tearing down the person. It reinforces self-esteem, good will, and honoring each other.

Start with respecting yourself, as if you do not respect yourself, you cannot truly respect others.

There is an abode, an abode of wisdom,
of calm, peace and respect for yourself,
an abode that is within.
There is a shrine that you need to discover,

… the above verse is from Illumination: Getting to Know the Invisible You, the 2nd book of the Purposeful Mind series, that is available for purchase at .

“… Strike a balance of being in your centre of power but do not forget others. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you. Be respectful towards others and they will be respectful towards you.

But start with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be respectful to yourself. All will be returned to you tenfold. Give and you will be given. Ask and you shall receive the answer. Seek and it will be revealed. Such is the law…”

The above text  is from Awaken, Spirit Is Calling, a 2012 Global eBook Awards Finalist.
is available in paperback at:
and in Kindle format at:                     
Also, directly from the author at:

Namaste and be well. Helena

For more information about Helena Kalivoda and her books visit her website at


butterflies-95358 aToday, I came across a beautiful website and was taken by the wisdom of Native American Indian Traditional Code of Ethics*. I would like to share it with all of you. Below is my shortened adaptation of what I read, as those passages so resonated with me:

– Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give thanks for the life within you and for all life; consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the courage and strength to be a better person.

– Show respect – showing respect is a basic law of life. Treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect at all times.

– Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your Mother. Do no pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her.

– Be truthful at all times and under all conditions.

– The hurt of one is the hurt of all, the honour of one is the honour of all.

– All the races in the world are like the different coloured flowers of one meadow. All are children of the Creator.

– Serve others. Happiness comes to those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.

– Observe moderation and balance in all things.

– Know those things that lead to your well-being, and those things that lead to your ruin.

– Listen to and follow the guidance given to your heart. Expect guidance to come in many forms; in prayer, in dreams, in times of quiet solitude, and in the words and deeds of wise elders and friends.

One of the above pearls of wisdom stated: “Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your Mother”.

Our Mother Earth is suffering from mismanagement by humans. Through respecting ourselves and living in balance and harmony, we come to respect all sentient and inanimate beings:

The Earth will not become extinct,
the Earth will not be shaken that badly.
The Earth will be creative and will recover and madly
will fall in love with the people again.

These people will not be of today’s nature.
These people will be a noble breed.
These people will understand nature.
These people will be descendants of today’s humanity.

These people will be of a fine mould,
a mould of godly thoughts and deeds.
These people are here already today—
some of them are ready, some are awakening.

The above is an excerpt from a poem in Evolution, the fourth book of my five books Purposeful Mind series. Visionary verses in Evolution offer you insights into possible future of our bodies, our planet, and more. 

For more information about my books visit my website at

*For a full version of Native American Indian Traditional Code of Ethics, please visit .

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