
8 Books that Supercharge
Your Spiritual Evolution

– AWAKEN to the True You
– WAKE UP to Your Heart-Lived Life & Abundance
– Life Is About CREATION
– Through ILLUMINATION Connect to Your Essence
– Be in CONTEMPLATION of Your Inner World
– EVOLUTION Is the Way to Self-Actualization
– METAMORPHOSIS Is the Ultimate Frontier
– And More…

Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must-have for your book collection.

You can purchase Helena’s books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, also at FastPencil and Chapters/Indigo, and this site  as well.

     GOLD – 2013 Global eBook Awards
     BRONZE – 2013 Global eBook Awards
     FINALIST – 2013 USA Best Book Awards
     FINALIST – 2012 Global eBook Awards

What People Are Saying about Helena’s Books:

Every new level of success requires a new you, and Helena Kalivoda, in her WAKE UP! Prosperity Is Calling, helps you to that next level quickly. – M. L.

METAMORPHOSIS  is an eclectic collection of uplifting poetic musings that help us appreciate who we are and the power of our own potentials. – B. R.

Helena’s AWAKEN! Spirit Is Calling contains powerful truths for each person’s journey. Reading parts aloud brought me harmony and hope. – S.M.

In WAKE UP! Your Heart Is Calling, Helena clearly defines the role the heart plays in bridging the gap between our physical world and the world of Spirit. – J.W.

I highly and often recommend AWAKEN! for anyone who wants to start out on the right road in their spiritual journey. May you enjoy this inspired, personable, informative, and endearing offering from the heavens. – R.J.

CREATION makes you stop and think, ‘Am I approaching life in the way that best serves me?’. This book is beautiful encouragement to live consciously. – T.T.

The beauty and wisdom of ILLUMINATION amazes me. This is such powerful material it is giving me ‘happy chills’. I was so excited as I continued on and finished reading Helena’s second book in this series. I can hardly wait to get to her next book. – A.K.

You can’t be in a hurry to read this latest addition to Helena’s Purposeful Mind series. CONTEMPLATION is a meditation within itself, deserving the ‘contemplation’ the author suggests in the writing. – C.G.

I wondered for years what secrets angels would share if they happened to tap one on the shoulder. I finally found out. We all owe a big thank you to Helena for acting as scribe for this heavenly message.A.K.

Helena is a clear and gifted channel on the path of Spiritual Awakening. Her book AWAKEN! spoke to me of presence and simplicity… life can be effortless if we stay in the NOW! – D. N.


At the book signing

Helena Kalivoda has been writing since early nineties. In her first book, AWAKEN! Your Spirit Is Calling, Helena published the teachings she has received from her Spirit guides.

Her second book, WAKE UP! Your Heart it Calling, leads readers to realize that all aspects of humanity when denied pure love are bound to fail and cannot be healthy. This book connects to an online environment where you can access extended resources and tools to apply the principles to your own life.

WAKE UP! Prosperity is Calling was produced in collaboration with other 20 authors. Helena’s chapter introduces The Seven Principles to Living a Life of Prosperity. Follow and live these principles and they become your experience and truth.

Helena’s latest five books Creation, Illumination, Contemplation, Evolution, and Metamorphosis of the empowering Purposeful Mind series are published on Kindle and are available in paperback as well. 

A passionate book lover, she is devoted to everyday writing. She is pleased to offer you her books that are available for your purchase at this site, also at Amazon and other bookstores.

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