Follow Your Own

pen and tea
Follow your true desire. There is nothing you need or have to do. There is nothing you ought to do. Do what your desire tells you to do, not what others tell you or want you to do.

If you are not sure about the ‘realness’ of your desire, ask your heart: Why am I requesting it? Why do I want it? Is it for me? Do I need it to feel good because some other person will like what I do? Is it because of my own idea, or is it someone else’s idea I think I need to look after? [Read more…]

Be in Your Heart and Flow

By delving into the values linked to the heart, you can and will be more in tune with your own energy. You will feel and hear others through your heart, not through your mind. You will not judge.

You will know without reasoning. You will be in the flow of energetic fields and will choose that which sustains you, that which calls you, that which is you. [Read more…]

You Are Pure

purple maragaretYou are pure just as you are. As you have been created in the image of God, you cannot be not pure. Any requests or needs you feel coming to you otherwise are your own ego persuasions of you.

Resilience or struggle. What are they? Those are the ways of not being in your natural flow. If you are in flow, all is simple. When you flow, the flow is in sync with you. Then you cannot feel pressured to be or not here or there, to do or not this and that. [Read more…]

From My Spirit – a Labyrinth of Labyrinths

Iona, Scotland

Iona, Scotland

A labyrinth of labyrinths is the human soul. The Soul is inclined not to just hover within and around you but to ‘fly’ and enjoy the possibilities offered through many diverse undertakings that can be taken on over the course of your life on Earth.

When you do not take advantage of the opportunities that your Soul yearns to experience, there is a troubled feeling of discomfort or illness. Occasionally, the retort of unease may slip from your tongue, and at those times you may say, oh my, I have enough. Your Soul takes notice – it will not pursue that particular option. [Read more…]

Expand Your Heart

heartThe purest feelings are those that are based in love. Understanding, loving thoughts are the finest. Not only for you but also for those in your presence, on the receiving end. It is about loving all, loving your neighbour as much as your enemy. There is no difference between them in pure, unconditional eyes of love. Love treats them equally; it does not matter what the outcome of their actions is. [Read more…]

Conscious Becoming

metamorphosis bk5 cvr resEngage in conscious becoming, in conscious living. Be consciously mastering the skill of realizing the true you – a being that is eternal, is love. Trust your inner guidance, your inner self and allow your higher mind, your everlasting Thee, to guide you.

You are becoming an eternal being
who knows, who realizes,
who is aware
whenever you are on Earth
or other planes.
You are becoming an eternal being
who is aware.

Become. Allow yourself
to touch your everlasting Thee.
Your Thee that is always with you
even if you only knew
that you are an earthly being
and that is all you knew. [Read more…]

Thanksgiving Time – Be in Flow


Today, we celebrate Thanksgiving. I am thankful not only for food and the blessings we will enjoy at our family Thanksgiving gathering tonight, but also feel a huge thank-you to My Self that has been partaking in my, or should I say “our”, not the easiest at all times, ride, my life “story”.

I have come from the depths of my despair at the end of 2001 to what my life is today. Today, I am an author, connected to my Spirit Guides and My Self. I am savoring my days of writing, being with my loved ones and my friends, and, I am thankful and grateful for my past struggles, as without them I would not be who I am today. [Read more…]

The Path to Wisdom Lies Within the Heart

Wake Up! Your Heart is Calling.This is a continuation of my previous post on the theme of the heart. The following is an excerpt from my Wake Up! Your Heart Is Calling – a brief discussion of our heart’s intelligence, as The Path to Wisdom Lies Within the Heart:

Your heart has its own intelligence. The heart’s intelligence is superior to that of your mind, and it is the heart’s intelligence that you should use. Through your heart’s logic the development of psyche, personality and ego occurs, which leads to the melding of all of them into one being that is led by your Spirit. When this happens you can accomplish from your heart ALL that you believe you can. [Read more…]

Connect with My Heart

ResizedHKalivodaWakeUpCoverI have not blogged for a while, as for over a month my computer was giving me a grief. The moment came when I picked up the phone and ordered a new computer. After a few days, my old computer started behaving again…

Was it a mater of letting go and stopping to fret over an uncooperative technology, as I decided to make my purchase? Perhaps. I like the way it turned out after all. Now we have 2 working computers and I do not have to wait my turn.

As I experienced ups and downs over the last few months I kept reminding myself that we always are taken care of and that all happens for a reason. I kept on reminding myself to be grateful for what I have, instead of worrying about what I do not have. I have allowed myself to connect with my heart, instead of fretting and being upset. [Read more…]

What Is Time? Can We Expand Time?

evolution cvr bk4 resCan we expand time? What Is Time? They say there is no time in the spirit world. We can only believe it, as we live on Earth where time has meaning to us. They say that at times highly evolved beings live on our planet, and they can at will transfer themselves from our earthly time to no time of the spirit world and back.

Time allows us to live and plan our life. We are linear thinkers living in linear time. Yet, our future can be revealed to us. Our past (incarnations) can be revealed to us. Through our intuition, through listening to the whispers of our spirit, listening through our hearts instead of our minds, our past and future can be revealed to us—our higher self-exists on the plane where time does not exist, where all, past, present, and future, is one time. [Read more…]

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